Premature babies could be treated with an artificial uterus in 2024

by ARKANSAS DIGITAL NEWS Typical activity and appearance of a developmentally equivalent (107 day gestation) lamb fetus to a 23 ? 25 week gestation human infant during a run (day 5). SCREENGRAB - Supplementary Movie 1

The EXTEND system has kept more than 300 preterm lambs alive

Partridge, E., Davey, M., Hornick, M. et al. (2023)

The groundwork is being laid for the first human trial of an artificial uterus, which could get the go-ahead from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) some time in 2024.

Artificial uteruses are designed to mimic the environment of the womb as closely as possible and may help support babies who are born extremely prematurely, at around 23 or 24 weeks’ gestation.

“The idea is to bridge the rough patch when they’re really struggling and carry them through to a point when they can do…

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