Leave no stone unturned in search for an explanation of consciousness


Out of Your Mind Science series. Arrangement of spiral of human silhouette face line and abstract elements on the subject of consciousness, the mind, artificial intelligence and technology; Shutterstock ID 1783516466; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -

THE idea that quantum phenomena in the brain can explain consciousness has persisted for decades on the fringes of mainstream research. There is something appealing about an attempt to explain consciousness with something similarly mysterious, which might tell us why this proposal has also enjoyed more than its fair share of press attention over the years.

There are plenty of good reasons to be sceptical, of course, not least the absence of any solid expehrimental evidence. But that isn’t to say that hypotheses about quantum consciousness have no value.

As we explore in our feature “The intriguing experiments forcing a rethink on quantum consciousness”…

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