5 Synthetic Wigs That Are Big-Head-Friendly & Under $100


Gone are the days when drawstring ponytails and clip-on buns were the girlies’ go-tos. From bundles to braids, hair upkeep can cost a pretty penny in 2025. Add in finding the perfect fit as a chubby-faced cutie and the hunt may seem exhausting. However, contrary to popular belief, beauty on a budget is still a thing. Here’s our list of synthetic wigs that are big-head-friendly.

As you may know, many spend top dollars tracking overseas vendors for exotic extensions to meet the expectations of today’s trend-driven society. While beauty-supply-store culture hasn’t completely gone extinct, it’s not as in high demand as it once was. The early-to-mid-2000s craze was soon overshadowed by the wave of online shops that made it easy for premium-grade tresses to be ordered and delivered (almost) expeditiously to your front door.

With the modern distribution method, consumers have a wide range of options, and 40-inch “buss-downs” have become the holy grail. For most, anything less than human is “outdated” and frowned upon. Despite those sentiments, we’re here to tell you… sis, you have sadly been mistaken! Companies are stepping up their game, and the “fake” tresses have never looked so flawlessly real.

What is synthetic hair?

Per the prestigious hair/skincare empire Carol’s Daughter, “[Synthetic strands] are made out of man-made fibers like acrylic or nylon. The fibers are put through various chemical processes to give them a similar look, feel, color, and styling capability as human hair. The quality of the materials used to create the fibers is what determines how closely a bundle of synthetic hair mimics actual human hair.”

These are our leading 5 (under $100). Check them out below.

synthetic wigs that are big-head-friendly
Image via Jennifer Enujiugha (Pexels)

Synthetic Wigs That Are Big-Head-Friendly & Full of Quality

There you have it, Curvy Committee. Affordable hair that will grant you the same (undeniable) looks of admiration is for the win. You can “get cute” and save a coin while you’re at it. Don’t let the internet’s standards fool you.

Before you go, sis, here’s a short directory of reputable wig sites to purchase from:

  1. Sam’s Beauty
  2. WigTypes
  3. Ebonyline
  4. Hair to Beauty
  5. Hair Sisters (Closing sale in effect!)

Which of these synthetic wigs that are big-head-friendly will you be giving a shot? Let us know below!

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