As the dust settles after the 2024 European elections, an air of uncertainty surrounds the…
The ongoing genocide in Gaza has galvanized a persistent, creative and disruptive global uprising for…
In the June issue of Turkish literary journal Varlık – titled ‘Loneliness in the age…
One morning in April 2016, 27 private security agents arrived on the grounds of a…
A non-event, a continuity: growing rapeseed in Ukraine. For the most part, it’s an unsensational…
Displacement is a bitter muse, but a very powerful one. The experience of exile has…
Anna-Esther Younes is a Palestinian German scholar of race critical theories, psychoanalytic approaches, and de/post-/colonial…
Le 20 mars 2024, le prix du livre de Leipzig 2024 pour la compréhension européenne a…
With a death toll long surpassing 30,000, the displacement of 1.4 million people, and a…
Occupation is like a flood. The water doesn’t reach every house at the same time.…